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Garageband 432 Hz

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  1. Here are a few facts about the 432 Hz tone: 1. Hz and Cycles per Second. Hertz is a term presented in 1930. Before then, it was called 'Cycles per Second.'In 1834, 'Cycles Per Second' was accurately measured when two instruments were created: the altered version of the Savart Wheel made by Felix Savart, and the Tonometer created by Johann Scheiber.
  2. What is 432 Hz tuning? A=432 Hz, known as Verdi's ‘A' is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

A growing number of musicians and music enthusiasts believe that music tuned to 432 Hz (as opposed to the standard 440Hz frequency) has benefits, as it sounds brighter, clearer, and can have positive effect on both your mind and body.

They argue that 432 Hz resonates with Schumann Resonance, the fundamental electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. According to Science Direct, 432 Hz tuned music helps to decrease blood pressure, calm the heart rate, and generally leads to a better listening experience.

Learn how to tune to A=432 Hz on guitar or bass by using any standard chromatic tuner tuned to 440Hz (default frequency) without changing any settings on the. The speed of light, if calculated with the slightly longer Pyramid inch is extraordinarily close to the square of 432. 186.291 (official speed of light) x 1,0011 = 186.496 (99,931429% of 186.624, or 432 squared). Now back to 432 Hz. When we speak about frequencies we speak about Hertz, which means cycles per seconds. 432 HZ is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 HZ vibrates with the universe's golden mean, Phi, and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity, and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

In other words, 432 Hz music may help you feel calmer and better.

Hi, I'm Mik, one of TunePocket music composers. I went though our growing catalog of royalty free meditation music and picked my favorite 432 Hz music, created specifically for for meditation, deep relaxation, self love healing, spiritual awakening, and zen cleansing. Watch the video below or jump to the track list.

Who uses 432 Hz music?

432 Hz music (and specifically 432 Hz tuned meditation music) is popular with YouTube creators making meditation or spiritual videos, with yoga and wellness instructors creating guided meditations, and spa owners or massage therapist who need to set relaxing ambient atmosphere for their clients.

Often creators enhance their meditation videos with peaceful nature sounds for best effect.

Recommended 432 Hz meditation music

All our meditation music is available with lifetime royalty free commercial license and can be instantly used in professional and business projects and monetized YouTube channels. Perfect for meditation teachers, holistic healers, hypnotherapists, spa masseuses, yoga instructors, sleep therapists, and wellness consultants.

We add new music daily!

© by Gary Vey for viewzone

Why is 432 Hz better than 440 Hz?

If you google the topic, you will discover that the debate over which tuning system is optimal is a very controversial and heated one. In preparation for this article I have spent days reading blogs and watching YouTube videos on the subject. The arguments can get pretty technical with proponents of 432 claiming that it resonates with the Heart Chakra, repairs DNA and restores both spiritual and mental health. There is even the suggestion that 432 tuned music stimulates the right brain, responsible for our most desirable human traits.

Since I've already written about the research pertaining to the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, I will defer to Dan Eden's article here on viewzone for a detailed understanding of this phenomenon. I'll summarize the duties of each hemisphere below:

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
'big picture' oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can 'get it' (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

It seems obvious that our current civilization is geared towards left brain traits and many can pose the argument that this has resulted in a plethora of today's social problems. I spent a considerable amount of time searching scientific journals to see if any studies had been done which demonstrated the neurological effects of 432 vs 440 Hz but, surprisingly, there were none.

Some scientists have noticed that the frequencies of the various notes can be expressed in whole numbers in the 432 Hz tuning system. The 440 Hz system results in more complex fractions. Often the simplest solution is most likely the correct one.

Modern Standard Tuning (A = 440 hz, C = 261.63 hz)(Sources)

Note Frequency (hz)

-- Mid Low (1 octave below middle C)

C 130.81
D 146.83
E 164.81
F 174.61
G 196
A 220
B 246.94

-- Mid (middle C)

C 261.63
D 293.66
E 329.63
F 349.23
G 392
A 440
B 493.88

-- Mid High (1 octave above middle C)

C 523.25
D 587.33
E 659.26
F 698.46
G 783.99
A 880.00
B 987.77

Stradivari/Verdi Tuning (A = 432 hz, C = 256 hz),calculated using the Pythagorean method of 3:2 ratio for dominants, 11:8 for sub-dominants, 2:1 for octaves.

Note Frequency (hz)

- Mid Low (1 octave below middle C)

C 128
D 144
E 162
F 176
G 192
A 216
B 243

-- Mid (middle C)

C 256
D 288
E 324
F 352
G 384
A 432
B 486

-- Mid High (1 octave above middle C)

C 512
D 576
E 648
F 704
G 768
A 864
B 972

Remember that the frequency is measured in cycles per second, which means it used the standard unit of time to determine the frequency number. Since the unit of time -- the second -- is based on the rotation of the earth = 1/86,400 th of a day, this could emphasize some natural connection and perhaps there is some kind of mathematical resonance going on here.

I did locate an experiment published in the Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (114, 2409 2003) which had music students listen to classical compositions written by some world famous composers in 432 Hz tuning (Chopin, d'Albert, Bach, Debussy, Mozart and Reger) which were played in their original pitch and then played in 440 Hz.

Garageband 432 Hz App

While the students showed no significant preference the experiment did confirm that these early composers were, in fact, using the 432 Hz tuning to create their masterpieces. This might support the idea that they were more creative because the music stimulated their right brains. The critique of the experiment was that these were music students who were accustomed to the 440 Hz pitch and perhaps were influenced by their familiarity with the 440 Hz tones. We'll talk more about this study later in Part 3.

Most studies reveal that the amygdala, an area of the brain about the size of a walnut that exists in the left and right hemispheres, is active in either hemisphere when subjects either like or dislike music. Unfortunately, all of the experiments use the 440 Hz tuning. What is badly needed is an fMRI study where non-musicians are exposed to unfamiliar musical pieces played in 440/432/and a control. This way the neurological effects could be evaluated and the debate would perhaps be ended.

The research conducted with grants from the Rockefeller Foundation (referenced earlier) determined that 440 Hz music was good at making people work harder and fostered personality traits more in tune with Startrek's Vulcan character, Spock. These are pure left brain traits which stifle creative thought and null the emotions. It is clear why these traits were desirable in the Third Reich. It also might explain why modern music, which changed to the 440 Hz standard in 1939, has had such a negative effect on today's culture.

Other interesting differences

Much is made of the fact that 440 Hz is 'unnatural' and creates subtle disharmony to the listeners. The argument posed is that when the two frequencies are examined in Cymatics experiments, the patterns show that 432 Hz creates distinct shapes which indicate that they resonate with nature. The 440 Hz tuning creates indistinct patterns revealing a lack of coherence.

I have included a short video which will demonstrate this effect better than I can describe it. Have a look:

This apparatus used sand but similar results are seen in water. The argument is made that the human body is about 70% water and so these harmonious ripples can affect our cells. Likewise, the inharmonious vibrations of 440 Hz can be a source of illness.
Garageband 432 hz video

Here is a short video that demonstrates the difference that a song will sound when the guitar is tuned such that the 'A' string is 440 vs 432 Hz:

We'll talk more about the inherent problems of re-tuning an instrument with frets later. But first, I'd like to turn you on to a composition made by a plant! That's right, the artist is Anthurium (anthurium andreanum) and it was connected to a MIDI computer interface and allowed to experience (hear) its own electrically generated tones.

According to the posted description:

The music in this recording has actually been performed by a plant, Anthurium (anthurium andreanum), thanks to a specific electronic device. Plants emit signals in reaction to external stimuli and to communicate with everything. These signals are detectable as variations in the bio-electrical field of the plant and can be converted into a MIDI signal (Musical Instruments Digital Interface). I sent this MIDI signal into a synthesizer and programmed a soft, soothing sound tuned at 432 Hz. After some time being connected to such device and producing sounds, plants seem to become aware of the process; they seem to understand that those sounds are coming from them...and they start playing with it.

The video is longer than an hour but quite pleasing to the ear. I will only post the link as it would slow down the loading of this page considerable. (just click the image below to go to the YouTube video)

Of course, the benefits of music on plant growth have been known for some time now but these observations have mainly come from marijuana growers who claim that their cannabis plants seem to prefer classical music. To the best of my knowledge the recordings used have all been in 440 Hz, the standard 'concert pitch'. So perhaps there is another area where 432 Hz tuned music could be investigated.

More details on 432 Hz tuning

Before I go further, many of you are probably wondering how to tune your guitar to the 432 Hz scale. I will post the frequencies here:

Garageband 432 Hz Software

  1. Here are a few facts about the 432 Hz tone: 1. Hz and Cycles per Second. Hertz is a term presented in 1930. Before then, it was called 'Cycles per Second.'In 1834, 'Cycles Per Second' was accurately measured when two instruments were created: the altered version of the Savart Wheel made by Felix Savart, and the Tonometer created by Johann Scheiber.
  2. What is 432 Hz tuning? A=432 Hz, known as Verdi's ‘A' is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

A growing number of musicians and music enthusiasts believe that music tuned to 432 Hz (as opposed to the standard 440Hz frequency) has benefits, as it sounds brighter, clearer, and can have positive effect on both your mind and body.

They argue that 432 Hz resonates with Schumann Resonance, the fundamental electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. According to Science Direct, 432 Hz tuned music helps to decrease blood pressure, calm the heart rate, and generally leads to a better listening experience.

Learn how to tune to A=432 Hz on guitar or bass by using any standard chromatic tuner tuned to 440Hz (default frequency) without changing any settings on the. The speed of light, if calculated with the slightly longer Pyramid inch is extraordinarily close to the square of 432. 186.291 (official speed of light) x 1,0011 = 186.496 (99,931429% of 186.624, or 432 squared). Now back to 432 Hz. When we speak about frequencies we speak about Hertz, which means cycles per seconds. 432 HZ is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 HZ vibrates with the universe's golden mean, Phi, and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity, and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

In other words, 432 Hz music may help you feel calmer and better.

Hi, I'm Mik, one of TunePocket music composers. I went though our growing catalog of royalty free meditation music and picked my favorite 432 Hz music, created specifically for for meditation, deep relaxation, self love healing, spiritual awakening, and zen cleansing. Watch the video below or jump to the track list.

Who uses 432 Hz music?

432 Hz music (and specifically 432 Hz tuned meditation music) is popular with YouTube creators making meditation or spiritual videos, with yoga and wellness instructors creating guided meditations, and spa owners or massage therapist who need to set relaxing ambient atmosphere for their clients.

Often creators enhance their meditation videos with peaceful nature sounds for best effect.

Recommended 432 Hz meditation music

All our meditation music is available with lifetime royalty free commercial license and can be instantly used in professional and business projects and monetized YouTube channels. Perfect for meditation teachers, holistic healers, hypnotherapists, spa masseuses, yoga instructors, sleep therapists, and wellness consultants.

We add new music daily!

© by Gary Vey for viewzone

Why is 432 Hz better than 440 Hz?

If you google the topic, you will discover that the debate over which tuning system is optimal is a very controversial and heated one. In preparation for this article I have spent days reading blogs and watching YouTube videos on the subject. The arguments can get pretty technical with proponents of 432 claiming that it resonates with the Heart Chakra, repairs DNA and restores both spiritual and mental health. There is even the suggestion that 432 tuned music stimulates the right brain, responsible for our most desirable human traits.

Since I've already written about the research pertaining to the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, I will defer to Dan Eden's article here on viewzone for a detailed understanding of this phenomenon. I'll summarize the duties of each hemisphere below:

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
'big picture' oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can 'get it' (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

It seems obvious that our current civilization is geared towards left brain traits and many can pose the argument that this has resulted in a plethora of today's social problems. I spent a considerable amount of time searching scientific journals to see if any studies had been done which demonstrated the neurological effects of 432 vs 440 Hz but, surprisingly, there were none.

Some scientists have noticed that the frequencies of the various notes can be expressed in whole numbers in the 432 Hz tuning system. The 440 Hz system results in more complex fractions. Often the simplest solution is most likely the correct one.

Modern Standard Tuning (A = 440 hz, C = 261.63 hz)(Sources)

Note Frequency (hz)

-- Mid Low (1 octave below middle C)

C 130.81
D 146.83
E 164.81
F 174.61
G 196
A 220
B 246.94

-- Mid (middle C)

C 261.63
D 293.66
E 329.63
F 349.23
G 392
A 440
B 493.88

-- Mid High (1 octave above middle C)

C 523.25
D 587.33
E 659.26
F 698.46
G 783.99
A 880.00
B 987.77

Stradivari/Verdi Tuning (A = 432 hz, C = 256 hz),calculated using the Pythagorean method of 3:2 ratio for dominants, 11:8 for sub-dominants, 2:1 for octaves.

Note Frequency (hz)

- Mid Low (1 octave below middle C)

C 128
D 144
E 162
F 176
G 192
A 216
B 243

-- Mid (middle C)

C 256
D 288
E 324
F 352
G 384
A 432
B 486

-- Mid High (1 octave above middle C)

C 512
D 576
E 648
F 704
G 768
A 864
B 972

Remember that the frequency is measured in cycles per second, which means it used the standard unit of time to determine the frequency number. Since the unit of time -- the second -- is based on the rotation of the earth = 1/86,400 th of a day, this could emphasize some natural connection and perhaps there is some kind of mathematical resonance going on here.

I did locate an experiment published in the Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (114, 2409 2003) which had music students listen to classical compositions written by some world famous composers in 432 Hz tuning (Chopin, d'Albert, Bach, Debussy, Mozart and Reger) which were played in their original pitch and then played in 440 Hz.

Garageband 432 Hz App

While the students showed no significant preference the experiment did confirm that these early composers were, in fact, using the 432 Hz tuning to create their masterpieces. This might support the idea that they were more creative because the music stimulated their right brains. The critique of the experiment was that these were music students who were accustomed to the 440 Hz pitch and perhaps were influenced by their familiarity with the 440 Hz tones. We'll talk more about this study later in Part 3.

Most studies reveal that the amygdala, an area of the brain about the size of a walnut that exists in the left and right hemispheres, is active in either hemisphere when subjects either like or dislike music. Unfortunately, all of the experiments use the 440 Hz tuning. What is badly needed is an fMRI study where non-musicians are exposed to unfamiliar musical pieces played in 440/432/and a control. This way the neurological effects could be evaluated and the debate would perhaps be ended.

The research conducted with grants from the Rockefeller Foundation (referenced earlier) determined that 440 Hz music was good at making people work harder and fostered personality traits more in tune with Startrek's Vulcan character, Spock. These are pure left brain traits which stifle creative thought and null the emotions. It is clear why these traits were desirable in the Third Reich. It also might explain why modern music, which changed to the 440 Hz standard in 1939, has had such a negative effect on today's culture.

Other interesting differences

Much is made of the fact that 440 Hz is 'unnatural' and creates subtle disharmony to the listeners. The argument posed is that when the two frequencies are examined in Cymatics experiments, the patterns show that 432 Hz creates distinct shapes which indicate that they resonate with nature. The 440 Hz tuning creates indistinct patterns revealing a lack of coherence.

I have included a short video which will demonstrate this effect better than I can describe it. Have a look:

This apparatus used sand but similar results are seen in water. The argument is made that the human body is about 70% water and so these harmonious ripples can affect our cells. Likewise, the inharmonious vibrations of 440 Hz can be a source of illness.

Here is a short video that demonstrates the difference that a song will sound when the guitar is tuned such that the 'A' string is 440 vs 432 Hz:

We'll talk more about the inherent problems of re-tuning an instrument with frets later. But first, I'd like to turn you on to a composition made by a plant! That's right, the artist is Anthurium (anthurium andreanum) and it was connected to a MIDI computer interface and allowed to experience (hear) its own electrically generated tones.

According to the posted description:

The music in this recording has actually been performed by a plant, Anthurium (anthurium andreanum), thanks to a specific electronic device. Plants emit signals in reaction to external stimuli and to communicate with everything. These signals are detectable as variations in the bio-electrical field of the plant and can be converted into a MIDI signal (Musical Instruments Digital Interface). I sent this MIDI signal into a synthesizer and programmed a soft, soothing sound tuned at 432 Hz. After some time being connected to such device and producing sounds, plants seem to become aware of the process; they seem to understand that those sounds are coming from them...and they start playing with it.

The video is longer than an hour but quite pleasing to the ear. I will only post the link as it would slow down the loading of this page considerable. (just click the image below to go to the YouTube video)

Of course, the benefits of music on plant growth have been known for some time now but these observations have mainly come from marijuana growers who claim that their cannabis plants seem to prefer classical music. To the best of my knowledge the recordings used have all been in 440 Hz, the standard 'concert pitch'. So perhaps there is another area where 432 Hz tuned music could be investigated.

More details on 432 Hz tuning

Before I go further, many of you are probably wondering how to tune your guitar to the 432 Hz scale. I will post the frequencies here:

Garageband 432 Hz Software

If you are not a musician and want to hear some popular tunes in 432 Hz you have two good options. First, it is believed that musicians such as John Lennon (Imagine) and some of the early works of Bob Marley (Three Little Birds) were recorded on instruments tuned to the 432 Hz scale. There are many many more if you search on YouTube. It seems this right-brain tuning has been known for some time and many artists have experimented with it or created their tunes using it.

How To Turn Music To 432 Hz

The problems come when record companies attempt to record the music and require the addition of other musicians who may have instruments that cannot easily re-tune. Wind instruments like the saxophone, clarinet, flute as well as 'solid tuned' instruments like marimbas and xylophones cannot adjust from their 440 Hz tone. Even the guitar and other fret instruments will have some dissonance when playing in the higher octaves because of the set distance between the frets.

Another option for listening to 432 Hz is to convert tunes recorded in 440 Hz to 432 Hz with programs like Audacity, which is free to download and world on Mac and PC platforms. These programs do not just 'slow down' the music by the 8 Hz difference but somehow preserve the tempo and audio (not 100%) and deliver a pretty awesome result. Many of the so-called '432 Hz' tunes you find on YouTube have been converted by this method.

My all time favorite is No Quarter by Led Zeppelin. I wanted to share this with you (in 432) but youtube took it down... So here is Stairway To Heaven (432). If you liked Zep in the past you will notice the difference. Turn it up and notice that there is no distortion (and your Mom will not yell 'Turn that stuff down!'). There are rumors that this was originally recorded in 432 but I could not find any validation to this claim.


Garageband 432 Hz Converter

Wow. See what I mean? OK... there's much more so hang in there. Next up is a review of hard scientific evidence of the benefits from listening to 432...

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